In British Columbia, the government controls commercial recreation on the landscape by granting tenure to a specified tract of land. Generally, this prevents or rationalizes competing interests from occupying the same area, and allows commercial operators to establish their businesses, knowing how long they have authorization to use the area. To apply for tenure, a would-be commercial operator submits a management plan, outlining proposed activities, areas of operation, and those areas where the operator wishes to restrict public access. These lease or intensive use sites are subject to rental charges, but allow the operator to construct facilities and locked storage areas. Further, a management plan is a comprehensive document outlining the long-term vision for the operator’s services. Cascade has drafted dozens of such plans, and is highly experienced in assisting operators with strategic visioning, assessing environmental conditions, mapping, using GIS to assess competing land designations, and report writing, editing and production. Our staff helps translate the language and requirements of the government into clear and understandable tasks. If you want more information about the tenure process, or have been mulling the idea of starting a recreation business or expanding and existing one, stop by or drop us a line at