• Kadenwood Gondola Construction & Compensation


Cascade Environmental Resource Group Ltd. (CERG) was retained by Whistler Mountain Resort Limited Partnership to conduct environmental permitting and monitoring services prior to and during construction. Songbird nesting surveys, significant tree surveys and riparian condition assessment were completed prior to construction to ensure compliance with the Wildlife Act and to acquire permission for construction.


Project Type: Environmental Monitoring
Location: Whistler, BC
Client: Whistler Mountain Resort
Contract Period: 2010
Contract Value: $100,000

Project Decsription:

The construction of the gondola connecting the Kadenwood neighbourhood to the Whistler Creekside base was completed in the fall of 2010. As a result of the gondola alignment crossing an unnamed stream that flows into the fish bearing waters of Whistler Creek and the necessity of disturbing riparian vegetation in the gondola right-of-way, a compensation project was required. An environmental audit of the Whistler Mountain bike park trail crossings of Crabapple Creek and its tributaries and $10,000 worth of stream crossing improvements were offered as compensation for the disturbance of riparian vegetation from the gondola construction.


A report was prepared of the Whistler Mountain bike park trail crossing findings and the recommendations for crossing improvements. Improvements to the priority trail crossings will be implemented during the spring of 2011. Recommendations for improvement on lower priority trails will be incorporated in the annual maintenance program of Whistler Blackcomb.

The construction of the gondola was an excellent opportunity to determine the actual sediment contribution of the bike park trails in the Crabapple Creek watershed. CERG’s local knowledge identified the need for the assessment and provided a requisite project component for their client.